Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Teachers, Students and well-wishers,It is my proud privilege to pen down a few lines of immediate concern at this juncture.God’s love is manifested in His creation and most importantly in His masterpiece, Human being. He created us in love and meant us to live in peace and harmony with the universe and other human beings. He gave us generously the innate qualities of head and heart which is inimitable by any other. He in His freedom with choice bestowed on the humans the power to exercise the innovative and technical power. And one such blessing is the arena of social platform.

“Social media is not just an activity: it is an investment of valuable time and resources”. When social media was still in its infancy in the early twenties it was the comfort of a few affluent persons.

Today our society stands at a threshold where it is torn apart by the social platforms like Whatsapp, Instagram, Snap chat, You Tube, Face book, Tik Tok and many more which is the hidden whispers and secrecy among the youth, teens and the students. These platforms take the future of our nation to a height which is the danger zone of their lives. They depend on the smart phones for work, study, personal and social lives. The internet has become a significant part of everyone’s daily lives. So too has social media. And it is having an impact on today’s teens.

We cannot ignore the fact Social media and technology offers us greater convenience and connectivity in today’s fast growing world. It helps in staying connected with family and friends worldwide via email, text, Face Time, etc., quick access to information and research, banking and bill pay at our fingertips, online learning, job skills, content discovery, involvement in civic engagement, great marketing tools and opportunities for remote employment. Like most things, using social media has its positives, its cautionary tales, and dangers that lurk and impact the lives of many, and very specially the teens because the amount of time spent on social sites is astounding.Social media itself is not the problem. It is the way people use it in place of actual communication and in-person socializing. “Friends” on social media may not actually be friends, and may even be strangers thus there is a danger of online and the reality being different. The more time spent on social media can lead to cyber bullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. Social Media is addicting that one keep browsing from one site to another and there is the fear of Missing Out therefore one is forced to go online numerous times in a day and spend too many hours which leads to mental ill health.

As parents, teachers and well wishers there are things we can do to improve our children’s lives online and in real life set boundaries right way when you give your child their first phone have conversations with your children on why some things should be kept private.Take time to actively engage with them face-to-face. This interaction teaches them how to follow social cues, verbal and non-verbal.Talk to your kids without glancing at your phone.Find opportunities to have genuine conversations that are not lectures.Be aware of privacy concerns and cyber security issues attempt to model the behavior we want to see.Technology has changed the way we live, work, and socialize. But it can’t replace parenting therefore it is the need of the hour to educate ourselves into the world of cyber cell and social platform. Therefore I urge you my dear parents, teachers, students and well wishers, to uphold the value system, the good family cultures and practices and above all GOD to be made the master of your life. Let we, the elders be a role model and guide our young ones thus we can dream of an ideal and joyful TOMMORROW.